Use the following dataset which is also given in:
to estimate marker effects for the single loci using a linear regression model.
Animal | SNP G | SNP H | Observation |
1 | \(G_1G_1\) | \(H_1H_2\) | 510 |
2 | \(G_1G_2\) | \(H_1H_1\) | 528 |
3 | \(G_1G_2\) | \(H_1H_1\) | 505 |
4 | \(G_1G_1\) | \(H_2H_2\) | 539 |
5 | \(G_1G_1\) | \(H_1H_1\) | 530 |
6 | \(G_1G_2\) | \(H_1H_2\) | 489 |
7 | \(G_1G_2\) | \(H_2H_2\) | 486 |
8 | \(G_2G_2\) | \(H_1H_1\) | 485 |
9 | \(G_1G_2\) | \(H_2H_2\) | 478 |
10 | \(G_2G_2\) | \(H_1H_2\) | 479 |
11 | \(G_1G_1\) | \(H_1H_2\) | 520 |
12 | \(G_1G_1\) | \(H_1H_1\) | 521 |
13 | \(G_2G_2\) | \(H_1H_2\) | 473 |
14 | \(G_2G_2\) | \(H_1H_2\) | 457 |
15 | \(G_1G_2\) | \(H_1H_1\) | 497 |
16 | \(G_1G_2\) | \(H_1H_2\) | 516 |
17 | \(G_1G_1\) | \(H_1H_2\) | 524 |
18 | \(G_1G_1\) | \(H_1H_2\) | 502 |
19 | \(G_1G_1\) | \(H_2H_2\) | 508 |
20 | \(G_1G_2\) | \(H_1H_2\) | 506 |
Read the data using read.csv()
Re-code the genotypes to numeric values
Fit the multiple regression to the data
Use the dataset with the breeds assigned to every animal and find out the influence of the breed on the response variable body weight
. The data is available from
[1] ""
Start by fitting a linear model with Breed
as the only factor in the model, hence ignore the independent variables such as Breast Circumference
and HEI
Read the data
Fit a linear model with breed as the only factor
Use the matrix vector-notation to setup the model for a regression on dummy variable with the data on breeds and body weight as used in Problem 2. The aim of this problem is to find the estimable functions used in the output of lm()
The model is given by
\[\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{Xb} + \mathbf{e}\]
Setup the least squares normal equations. Find a solution for \(\mathbf{b}^0\) and construct the estimable function that is used in the output lm()
Define elements of least squares normal equations
Find a solution for \(\mathbf{b}^0\)
Construct the estimable function. As a hint, assume the missing factor level in the output of lm()
to be zero.
Latest Changes: 2022-03-14 07:19:43 (pvr)