Economic context of (dairy) farms
Legislative restrictions
Environmental impact
Aim: Tools helpful for user reducing time required for certain task
Many of current projects
Paper is replaced by smart phone, tablet or PC
Increase of time spent for administrative tasks
Sesam: Sensor Based Alpine Milk Production (EU Interreg B Project: 2018-2023)
CFIT: Video based prediction of feed intake of cows
Sensor-based activity of cows
Activity data used to predict behavior
Prediction of feed intake based on video data
Integrate all available data from a farm and from environment into a simulation system
Comprehensive digital twin solutions for dairy farms are still in development
Companies like
xFarm Technologies, in collaboration with Precision Farming Network (
FORCE Technology, in partnership with Alexandra Institute, Arla Foods, and SPX FLOW (
Real benefit results only from changing systems
Digitalisation is not the replacement of paper by devices
Large projects require large financial power
Politics needs to be supportive