LBG - FS2024 – Solution 5


Peter von Rohr

Problem 1: Sire Model

As already shown during the lecture for the small data set at

a sire model is to be used for the following dataset, already used in Exercise 4. The data set is available from

The ration \(\lambda_s\) between the residual variance and the sire variance can be assumed to be

\[\lambda_s = \frac{\sigma_e^2}{\sigma_s^2} = 1\]


Reading the data from the given Webaddress

  • Setting up the design matrix \(X\)
  • Design matrix \(Z\)
  • Coefficient matrix of mixed model equations
  • Right-hand side of mixed model equations
  • Solve mixed model equations
  • Identify estimates of fixed effects and predictions of sire effects

The solutions for the random sire effects are