This page contains a list of chapters of the course notes for Livestock Breeding and Genomics (FS 2021).


Nr Date Topic
1 2021-09-24 Introduction to Livestock Breeding and Genomics
2 2021-10-01 Basics of Quantitative Genetics
3 2021-10-15 Genetic Evaluation
4 2021-10-22 BLUP
5 2021-11-05 Genetic Covariances
6 2021-11-12 Variance and Inbreeding
7 2021-11-19 Additional Aspects of BLUP
8 2021-12-03 Genomic Selection


Nr Date Topic
1 2021-09-24 Introduction to Linear Algebra
2 2021-09-24 Introduction to R

Latest Changes: 2021-12-10 16:45:31 (pvr)