This page contains links to exercises in pdf-format and as Rmarkdown notebooks.
Applied Genetic Evaluation
9 |
2021-04-19 |
Breeding Program pdf | nb
10 |
2021-04-26 |
Model Selection pdf | nb
11 |
2021-05-03 |
Variance Components Estimation pdf | nb
12 |
2021-05-10 |
Prediction of Breeding Values pdf | nb
13 |
2021-05-17 |
Test Exam pdf
Applied Statistical Methods
2 |
2021-03-01 |
Fixed Linear Effects Models pdf | nb
3 |
2021-03-08 |
Regression Models pdf | nb
4 |
2021-03-15 |
Marker Effects pdf | nb
5 |
2021-03-22 |
Genomic Breeding Values pdf | nb
6 |
2021-03-29 |
How GBLUP works pdf | nb
8 |
2021-04-12 |
LASSO and Bayes pdf | nb
13 |
2021-05-17 |
Test Exam pdf